Thursday 27 December 2012

Family Week 2012: Day 1

It is an annual routine for our family to have one week of the year for ourselves. We can go anywhere we want: no boundaries, as long as we can handle the adventure and travelling. This year, we decided to visit some landmarks here in Victoria, and maybe go further one state every year. 

The first day of our family week is composed of three itineraries: Lunch at Frankston Beach, Strawberry Picking at Sunny Ridge Farm and Relaxation / Spa at Peninsula Hot Springs. 

Lunch at Frankston Beach


Strawberry Picking at Sunny Ridge Farm

We were all excited to pick strawberries as we arrived but when we found out that there aren't anymore good strawberries in the first house we went to we were disappointed. We then moved to another house and luckily there are more strawberries in that area. I swear the strawberries in there were the sweetest and the reddest! As for me, I prefer the maroon and soft ones. They're probably the sweetest among all of the strawberries at sight.

Each one was given punnet for the strawberries to be picked. I personally enjoyed strawberry picking because I get to eat strawberries picked by my own hands, straight from the trees. It was a delightful activity for me and for everyone.

Spa at Peninsula Hot Springs

 Last but not the least, the Spa! It was the most relaxing place to be when you've been out going to the beach and picking strawberries. I must say that it is indeed the best way to conclude a tiring yet awesome first family week day.

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