Friday 25 January 2013

What Matters Most...

Someone has asked me what it's like to be me. He asked me whether it's hard to have a life like mine. I didn't respond but I gave him a giggle: which gave my dad a wrong signal. I couldn't give a straight answer, for I simply do not know how to gather the words to describe how blessed I am to have this life.

There are a lot of things in this world that people are willing to die for: luxury, wealth, fame, and things that rely on this world for existence. But the best things in life are not the things that can be seen by our eyes but the things that can be felt by the heart in soul. We often get blinded by the comfort and satisfaction these things offer so we lose our grip on what's more important. Someone who is a fool would grab any opportunity to have all of these things at the tip of their fingers. There is nothing wrong with having the desire to have these things but to depend on them? Not entirely good. That is what my life is all about. Having the least things this life offers. I'm not complaining, but I'm helping myself have a better view of this matter.

Eyes will look down on me. Minds will judge me regardless. Lips will fool me with its deceiving words. I can never complain nor ask questions.No but's, no if's no why's. It's all about sacrifice, perseverance and humility. When people decide to step on me, or to ruin my reputation, I should not argue but rather, I should accept all their actions towards me. Good or bad. It's love that should always reign over me when I start to feel doubtful when times are hard. It's a tough state, where I am now. But I simply tell myself: "It doesn't matter if I receive a thousand persecutions from everyone, as long as I have Him by my side, he will never lead me astray. And I know someone out there is having a harder time getting through this life so I have no right to complain. I have everything I need. No more, no less."

I'm happy with what I have. Even though I do not get everything I want, He makes sure that I always have all that I need. I love how He guides me through everyday of my life. In which some of those instances, I haven't even asked for it, yet He has already given. It's overwhelming. The love of God. The feeling of always having Him by my side. I could never ask for more. Before, I would ask, why couldn't I have the things I want in this life and I wouldn't know the answer. But now, I know the answer is very simple. And that's because I need something more important than what I want. I need something not of this world. And that is what I am most thankful for. Realising that I should not focus on things that are temporary.

The answer to the man's question I mentioned before is NO. Trials will test my faith but this is the best gift God has given me. A life inside the ministry. I'm willing to give my life if asked of me just to protect it.

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